Moodle 3.4.5
Unsupported Moodle Version
This version of Moodle is no longer supported and will not receive fixes for security risks.
You are encouraged to upgrade to a supported version of Moodle.
You are encouraged to upgrade to a supported version of Moodle.
Release date: 10 September 2018
Here is the full list of fixed issues in 3.4.5.
- MDL-62799 - tool_dataprivacy plugin merged into 3.4 core
- MDL-62800 - tool_policy plugin merged into 3.4 core
- MDL-62660 - Option to set a data request expiry time
- MDL-57741 - Launch URL for Publish as LTI tool
- MDL-57977 - Global search allows searching for users by alternate name
Fixes and improvements
- MDL-60826 - Memory exhaustion error when trying to add/edit calendar event as admin
- MDL-60874 - Clearer search results in user enrolment
- MDL-62782 - Users with the capability mod/assign:viewgrades can also view uploaded feedback files
- MDL-62849 - Filemanager: cannot manage files when there are folders
- MDL-62534 - Empty course sections deleted when upgrading
- MDL-62600 - Admin is misinformed that there are no data requests
- MDL-61351 - Shibboleth logout does not handle file sessions correctly
- MDL-62643 - Online text assignment submissions generate a blank HTML document for grading when no text is entered
- MDL-61424 - When token is rejected from provide option to unregister
- MDL-59847 - Behaviour when city/country are hiddenfields and identityfields at the same time
- MDL-62965 - User profile fields missing on signup page
- MDL-62889 - Multiple fixes when redirecting to a URL after clicking on a notification
- MDL-62989 - Data requests are listed by date requested for users
- MDL-62896 - Some non-core plugins are missing their Additional label on the Plugin data registry page
- MDL-62769 - "Statistics for question positions" graph shows last shown variant, not stats for overall question
- MDL-62341 - 'Go back to previous page' link on All policies page
- MDL-62746 - Boost core_tag modals content layout improvements
- MDL-45389 - Forum index page alignment improvements
- MDL-61707 - Pre-signup (minor check) session is not deleted upon signup
Security issues
- MSA-18-0017 Moodle XML import of ddwtos could lead to intentional remote code execution
- MSA-18-0018 QuickForm library remote code vulnerability (upstream)
- MSA-18-0019 Boost theme - blog search GET parameter insufficiently filtered